Welcome to my blog!

Thanks for visiting my blog. Here I post my favourite photos from my latest sessions, sneak peeks and some of my family and interests. Enjoy!

Monday, November 30, 2009

These are my boys...

I'm pretty sure, most photographers would agree...taking picture of their own children is pretty tricky.  My boys, well, they don't like it so much.  They say, 'Mom, just three smiles, that's it.'  That's what I usually have to work with.  I admit, I do like to take a lot of pics of them, and yes...they get sick of it!

Here are my twins!

Gavin's silly smile makes me laugh!

How is this for emotions?! (can you feel it?)

I LOVE this pic of the boys...best buds!

Saturday, November 28, 2009


Little bitty babies are what I was looking for.  I asked one person (my friend Collen), if she knew of anyone having a baby soon and she said 'Yes' :)
That's how I met Heidi and baby Sawyer!  Thanks Heidi for the visit.  These pictures were taken when Saywer was just about three weeks old.  (Aww, I love newborns)





Sunday, November 22, 2009

Daphne & Lacey

Oh, I love what I do.
Irene and Andrew, thanks for the fun morning, I enjoyed every minute of it today!  Couldn't wait to get to the pictures.  Here's a little sneak peek.
P.S. Your girls are adorable and so happy.

Friday, November 20, 2009

The Zabs :)

Well, I am finally getting these pictures up, after being a tad bit sick!!!  Lisa, thanks for having me over.  I had a great visit, and LOVED meeting the newest addition.  I think she looks just like you!  I hope you enjoy.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Tea Party in the forest....

So, this was a very fun morning!  A tea party in the forest, who wouldn't love it?!  I definitely could not have done this without my entourage (as Amy put it).  Even though it snowed that morning, everyone was still happy to have the tea party.  I had to edit my boys out of the forest in some of the shots!!

Monday, November 2, 2009

Some fun things...

Today, the boys and I had some fun testing out some things (lighting, backdrops, some props).  Well, it was really Gavin and I who had fun.....the other two...not so much.  Owen kept saying, 'it's not picture day mom!'  Even bribing didn't work as it usually does!

Below he is singing "The wheels on the bus go round and round"

I got a smile from Blake!!!

I was playing around with my ISO...love the grittiness of this one at 1600